General Pest Control Solutions
Exterior perimeter pest control treatment programs. A favorite for effective pest management. We keep out unwanted insect and rodent pests by treating outside your home. Our pest management plans take into consideration the changing seasons for standard pest issues so you do not have to worry about it. We will put down long lasting granules in the spring to deter ants and other crawling insects, in summer we can take of wasps and hornets and in the fall we treat for rodents looking to come in for the winter. Depending on your issues we can create a plan that will effectively keep pests out. Exterior Perimeter Pest Control Plans are favored because;
- You don't need to be home during treatment
- Reduces pesticide use indoors
- No bothersome odor
- Keeps unwanted pests out
- Treatment adjusts with seasonal pests
- Inside treatment only when necessary
The Exterior Perimeter Treatment Plan is exactly what it means, exterior treatment. We treat the exterior on a regular schedule to provide a barrier that keeps pests out. We do this by treating all the exterior cracks and crevices, gaps around windows and doors, voids where insects could get in. This option also includes inside treatments when necessary. Many of our clients prefer this type of treatment as it reduces the use of pesticides inside their home and or business. 95% of your inside pest problem come from outside pest insects and rodents that find your home or business a better place to live because of climate and or food sources.
We will control common pests such as ants, spiders, sow beetles, crickets, millipedes, centipedes, etc. with an exterior barrier treatment applied at scheduled intervals throughout the year. There are no scheduling issues or technicians inside your home. The exterior perimeter pest control treatment keeps pesticide outside instead of your living quarters.
General Pest Control Agreement Options
Insect and rodents pests covered in our standard pest management agreements: Roaches, Household Ants, Mice, Rats, Spiders (not including Black Widow and Brown Recluse), Crickets, Earwigs, Silverfish, Millipedes, Centipedes and Pill Bugs.
Monthly Pest Control: We treat the exterior of your home monthly for standard pests listed above. If inside pest issues become a problem we will treat inside as necessary during your scheduled treatment. In Virginia is is common to treat for ants and spiders in the spring and summer, millipedes and crickets in the late summer and fall and then mice in the colder months. Monthly pest control service covers a wide range of insect pests and mice & rats. Typically with monthly pest control service you will not have any issues inside your home. But if issues arise in between your regularly scheduled service we will take care of it.
Bimonthly Pest Control Agreement: Every other month we treat the exterior of your home to keep pests out. This is for property with less issues. We treat for the standard pests listed above and will treat issues that arise in between regularly scheduled treatments.
Quarterly Pest Control: This is the most economical treatment. We treat your exterior 4 times a year to keep out standard pests listed above. With a quarterly pest agreement you will still get free service if issues arise in between your regularly scheduled treatments on your home.
Additional Services: Services to alleviate specialty and seasonal pests such as stink bugs, wasps and hornets, carpenter ants, boring bees, carpet beetles, lady bugs, black widow & brown recluse spiders, cloth moths, indoor mites or fleas can be added to your pest agreement for an additional fee or purchased on an as needed basis.
Initial treatment:
The very first treatment Includes both inside and outside perimeter of your home. After the initial pest control treatment is complete we will return to your home based on your needs, either monthly, bimonthly or every quarter to reapply the outside barrier and to take care of any issues inside that may be on the interior of the structure.
Our inspectors are well trained in pest habitat, biology and behavior. They know where to look for pests and can determine how they got there. We will recommend the best treatment method for your particular home or business, using the top rated products in the pest control industry today. |